FIBC Bulk Bag Terms You Need to Know
Every industry has their own language and knowing how people refer to things will help you identify available options and communicate with your customers. Below is some common bulk bag / FIBC terminology that you may encounter.

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Every industry has their own language and knowing how people refer to things will help you identify available options and communicate with your customers. Below is some common bulk bag / FIBC terminology that you may encounter.
Baffle – Pieces of fabric sewn across each corner of a tubular or four – panel bag to improve a bag’s squareness, appearance, improve the stability of the load and to more efficiently utilize storage or shipping space.
Bag Height – Height dimension of an FIBC measured from the top Seam to the Bottom Seam.
Body Fabric – Main Fabric used on the body of a u-panel, four panel or circular bag.
Bottom Spout – Also called a Discharge Spout, used as an outlet to empty the contents of the FIBC.
Breathable Fabric/Bags – Uncoated or non-laminated fabric/bags.
Coated Fabric/Bags – Fabric or bag which is coated/laminated with polypropylene (PP) to prevent moisture intrusion or sifting of the contents. Also called Non-breathable or laminated fabric/bags.
Discharge Spout – Also called a Bottom Spout, used as an outlet to empty the contents of the FIBC.
Document Pouch – Typically made of either polyethylene or polypropylene, it is where shipping or identifying documents are usually placed. Also called a Pocket or Envelope.
Drawstring Closure – A type of spout construction similar in purpose as to a petal closure, but with the loop/string along the circumference of the closure.
Duffel Top – A type of FIBC similar to a duffel bag whose inlet extends from the top seam and follows the bag’s base dimensions.
Fabric Weight – The measure of the fabric weight in ounces per square yard or grams per 100 square centimeters. A typical standard weight is 6.5-ozs/sq. yd.
FIBC – Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container
Fill Spout – Also called an inlet spout or top spout, used as the inlet for filling an FIBC. It is designed to fit the customer’s filling chute during loading.
Filler Cord – Typically a polypropylene material used in manufacturing sift-resistant FIBC’S. A rope or braided yarn-like cord that is sewn into a seam to help prevent the escape of fine dusts and powders.
Safe Working Load – SWL is the amount of load, (in pounds or kilograms), which a bag is designed to carry. Note: Most customers use the metric system where 1 ton equals 2205 pounds or 1000 kilograms.
Safety Factor – Also referred to as a Service Factor, it is an industry standard requiring the FIBC to handle five or six times its Safe Working Load, (SWL), normally written as a ratio, “5:1 or 6:1 SF”.
Sift-Resistant Construction – A feature of an FIBC that provides resistance from product sifting when the bag is filled with very fine materials. Also referred to as “Sift–proof’ construction. This typically utilizes coated fabric and filler cord in the sew lines.
Single Trip Bag – An FIBC designed in accordance with ISO 21898.
Tube Liner – A polyethylene liner with no spouts or contours, it is a straight cylinder, which may or may not have one end heat-sealed. This low cost liner can be installed in the FIBC loose or by gluing or by sewn tabs. Also called a Tubular Liner.
UV Stabilized – A feature of an FIBC fabric that provides protection from prolonged exposure to the sun’s degrading UV rays. An additive is added to the resin prior to extrusion of the yarns to provide this protection.
Volume – The size, or amount of material, an FIBC can hold. It is generally measured in Cubic Feet.
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